

Regierung mit Kanzleidirektor
Government with Head of the State Chancellery


The cantonal government is the highest executive authority, it is made up of five members. Members of government are elected in a majority vote for a term of four years and may only be re-elected twice.

Each member of the government is head of a department of the cantonal administration and, as such, is subject to the government as overall authority. The cantonal constitution assigns the government with the following tasks, among others:

  • To plan, determine and coordinate the objective and means of federal actions with reservation regarding the powers of the electors and the cantonal parliament.
  • To execute laws and regulations as well as rulings of the cantonal parliament.
  • To represent the canton internally and externally.
  • To ensure protection of public safety and law and order.

Term of office from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026.

The presidency of the parliament changes each year.

Government 2025

Marcus Caduff

President of government
Marcus Caduff

Dipl. Ing. Agr. ETH / MAS MTEC ETH
Elected member of government: June 10, 2018
Head of the Department for Economic and Social Affairs
The Centre of the Grisons
Born 1973, citizen of Lumnezia
Resident in: Morissen and Domat/Ems

Portrait Martin Bühler

Member of government
Martin Bühler

Political scientist
Elected member of government: May 15, 2022
Head of the Department for Finance and Communities
Liberal Democratic Party (FDP) of the Grisons
Born 1976, citizen of Fideris und Davos
Resident in: Fideris

Portrait Carmelia Maissen

Member of government
Carmelia Maissen

Dr. phil. dipl. arch. ETH, Architectural scientist
Elected member of government: May 15, 2022
Head of the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Mobility
The Centre of the Grisons
Born 1977, citizen of Disentis/Mustér
Resident in: Castrisch

Portrait Peter Peyer

Member of government
Peter Peyer

Trade unionist
Elected member of government: June 10, 2018
Head of the Department Justice, Health and Safety
Social Democratic Party (SP) of the Grisons
Born 1965, citizen of Willisau
Resident in: Trin

Portrait Jon Domenic Parolini

Member of government
Jon Domenic Parolini

Dr. sc. techn. degree at the ETH Zurich special field forest policy and forest economics
Elected member of government: May 18, 2014
Head of the Department of Education, Culture and Environmental protection
The Centre of the Grisons
Born 1959, citizen of Scuol and Val Calanca (Braggio)
Resident in: Scuol and Chur

State Chancellery

Portrait Daniel Spadin

Head of the State Chancellery
Daniel Spadin

Attorney at law
Elected Director of the State Chancellery: November 1, 2016
Born 1971, citizen of Rhäzüns
Resident in: Chur

Brochure of the government

Download brochure of the government 2025

Photos of the government

The official government photos are available for download on the photo portal. The photos may be used with the photo credit "Standeskanzlei Graubünden".