

Gründung und Startups

Have you already found your "blue ocean"? In the blue ocean strategy, this term stands for undiscovered markets and trade sectors. We can support you in a variety of ways in the development of your business idea and foundation of your start-up or company. As experts with well-founded knowledge on the Grisons as business location, we can provide advice, arrange contacts in our extensive network and open doors for you.

Start-up in the Grisons - in the twinkling of an eye

Everything done in two to three weeks: Companies can be set up quickly and easily in the Grisons - even online. The only prerequisite is that at least one person authorised to sign must live in Switzerland.

Our start-up help

We know the general conditions, the labour market and the most efficient procedure for your project in the Grisons. We can bring you into contact with business representatives and put you in touch with specialised banks, lawyers or consulting and trust companies. We look forward to learning about your project. During the realization phase we are at your disposal as advisors and door openers.

Grisons initiatives for start-ups

The Grisons SME Center helps start-ups and small and medium enterprises with business management issues relating to company start-ups - especially in the areas of financing, strategic management, innovation and internationalization You benefit from various consulting services, some of which are free of charge, as well as from a network of experts from science, business and education.

In the Technopark Graubünden in Landquart, start-ups and entrepreneurs work on first name basis. In the start-up center for technology companies, they compare notes, work on new ideas or test application prototypes. As the Technopark is a member of the Technopark Alliance, start-up companies can benefit from an excellent economic and academic network.

An inspiring environment for focused work and creative exchange of ideas, as well as a network of experienced entrepreneurs to support new companies, is located at Löwenberg – Surselva Impact Lab in Schluein.

In Chur, the InnoQube Swiss® organizes start-up programs to accelerate and finance growth of new companies. The SBC Suisse Blockchain in Chur, based on block-chain technology, provides a starting point for foundation and accelerated growth of Web3 companies.

The Incubator in Susch lies close to the stars at 1440 m above sea levels. This Grisons incubator helps space tech start-ups to a successful launch. With the InnHub project at La Punt, further high-quality infrastructures and services will be added in the near future, further expanding the offering in this geographic region of Canton Grisons.

The Liug Innovations Center in Chur and the ICD Innovation Center Davos, provide varied infrastructure and attractive surroundings for an exchange of ideas and work in an international environment.

The Grisons foundation INNOZET accompanies new companies in the Grisons on their way to independence. It provides them with advice and financial support in collaboration with the Grisons Cantonal Bank and the TRUMPF Schweiz AG.

Qualified start-ups can also benefit from financial support from the Canton Grisons. Details of a range of instruments to gain funding are given under innovation and promotion.