Overall responsibility www.gr.ch
State Chancellery of the Grisons
Standeskanzlei Graubünden
Reichsgasse 35
CH-7001 Chur, Switzerland
The overall responsibility for the contents of the website www.gr.ch lies with the state chancellery. The individual departments and offices are responsible for information on their homepages.
Realisation partner
seven49.net Chur AG
Office for Information Technology, Canton Grisons (Amt für Informatik Kanton Graubünden)
Content Management System
Contents of www.gr.ch are managed used Microsoft SharePoint.
Graphic concept
Clickwerk AG, Chur
Accessibility features
Keyboard shortcuts
On this website we have included different features to ensure that complete accessibility is possible:
- standard compatibility XHTML and CSS
- structured code
- keyboard shortcuts
Using the keyboard shortcuts, important elements of this website can be accessed quickly and simply. Detailed information about use of shortcuts can be found on the W3C website regarding guidelines governing features allowing web content accessibility.
Available short cuts
This website provides shortcuts which follow the recommendations of the Swiss certification authorities.
Keys and shortcut targets
0: direct to start page
1: direct to navigation
2: direct to contents
3: direct to contact
4: direct to sitemap
5: direct to search
Examples of keyboard shortcuts in the most common browsers (check with your browser online help)
Internet Explorer 5+ (Windows):
Press and hold Alt, then press the given number key.
Firefox, 2.0 (Windows):
Press and hold the Alt and Shift keys and then press the given number key.
Larger font size
Changing the font size is an integral function of your browser. In addition to the selection of font size, current versions of most conventional browsers also offer a magnify function which proportionally enlarges the whole view. Magnification functions can also be found in the standard help programmes of the respective operating system.
Example: Magnify function in Internet Explorer 7+ (Windows)
Larger: Press and hold the Ctrl key and press the + key.
Smaller: Press and hold the Ctrl key and press the - key.
Outset situation
For blind and sight-impaired people, the internet is one of the most important discoveries of the last century. Reading a newspaper, consulting a catalogue or researching a reference are activities which were previously practically impossible without external help or only with very great difficulty. With the internet and the spread of a technology which translates the written into the spoken word, access is now available, or better said, could be available. The software used - so-called screen reader software - can only transmit text which has been legibly programmed for it. These conditions are satisfied in those areas of the Canton Grisons website which have been consistently programmed using the new system. Some parts of the website are still structured using the conventional, older technology. However, little by little, these will be completely transferred into the new content management system according to the accessibility regulations.
If, contrary to expectations, any content should prove inaccessible, please contact our web-support team: websupport@gr.ch.
Legal notes
The following notes are a translation from the German text. In cases of dispute the original German text applies.
General points
The canton Grisons makes available the contents of the website www.gr.ch as a free information service. The contents are intended as general information and make no claim to accuracy or completeness.
The canton Grisons makes every effort to ensure accuracy of the published information. Despite this, no guarantee is given with regard to the correctness, accuracy, actuality, reliability and completeness of the information provided. Liability claims against cantonal authorities for material or immaterial damages which result from access and use, respectively lack of use, of the information published, from misuse of the connection or through technical malfunction are excluded. Also excluded from liability claims is the guarantee for permanent availability of the online offer. The canton Grisons expressly reserves the right to partially or completely change or delete any part of the contents or to limit the period of its publication.
References and links
This website includes references and links to further third-party homepages. These homepages lie outside the area of responsibility of the canton Grisons. Access to and use of these homepages is undertaken at the risk of the user. The cantonal authorities expressly declare that they have no influence on the design, contents or offers of the linked websites.
Data protection
No personal data is stored when accessing this website. The web servers only register impersonal usage data. These are processed in such a way that trends can be identified in order to improve the offer accordingly (evaluations are carried out with "Matomo" and "Siteimprove"). No conclusions are drawn about your person.
Personal data, which you provide via the forms on the website of a department to obtain a service or to contact us voluntarily, are transmitted securely. The data is stored exclusively on the infrastructure of the cantonal administration and used in accordance with the legal requirements of the respective service to process your request. The data is neither passed on to third parties nor used in any other way.
Please direct inquiries about data protection by E-Mail to datenschutz@gr.ch.
The complete content of this website is protected by copyright (all rights reserved), all property rights remain with the copyright owner. On principle, downloading or printing of contents or parts of the contents is permitted, in no way however, does this constitute a transfer of rights to the content. No reproduction, modification our further use of copyright-protected contents of this website is allowed for public or commercial reasons, without obtaining previous written permission from the copyright owner.